
We have completed processing all of the registration requests for the lottery for the Jefferson PTA After School Enrichment Classes for the Winter/Spring 2020 session. If you have not yet received an email from Activity Hero inviting you to enroll in a class, you did not get in.

However, we allow cancellations anytime before the second meeting of a class, so it is possible you could still receive an invitation if that time has not yet arrived. So it’s still a good idea to check your email until then.

If you wish to cancel a registration for a class in which you are enrolled, let us know by email at jefferson.ptaclasses@gmail.com, and also inform your child’s teacher and the instructor if this is after the start of the session. Please do this as soon as possible, so that we have time to offer the spot to another student if applicable.

Feel free to give us feedback via email as to how the lottery experiment went this session.