The open lottery period for the Jefferson PTA After School Enrichment Classes for the Winter/Spring 2020 session is now over. If you missed inputting your choices, contact us at jefferson.ptaclasses@gmail.com ASAP.
If you input your choices in the lottery, you are not yet enrolled! Please check your email daily; if you get in a class, you will receive a waitlist invitation from Activity Hero. The mail will look like:
From: Jefferson PTA Enrichment Classes via ActivityHero <support@activityhero.com>
Subject: Waitlist Status: Spot Available at Jefferson PTA Enrichment Classes
Follow the link in the email to pay for the class (or use a scholarship code) and complete registration.
Please check your email regularly. We can only hold your spot for a day or two.
Double check that Activity Hero mail isn't going into a Spam folder.
If you have extenuating circumstances that will prevent you from checking your email regularly during this time, please let us know ASAP.
If you receive an invitation and know that you do not want to enroll, please let us know via email, rather than just letting time elapse and the invitation expire.
At any point you can view your current or past registrations via “My Registrations” in Activity Hero (https://www.activityhero.com/registrations/my).
For more information, see the Instructions page on this site.